Allegro e-commerce predicts adjusted EBITDA growth at 10-17 pct y/y

Listed e-commerce platform Allegro predicts the group’s adjusted EBITDA growth at 10-17 percent year on year, with consolidated CAPEX seen coming in at PLN 920 million-1.1 billion (EUR 218.9-261.8 mln), the company said in a press release.

Consolidated GMV is expected to grow by 8-11 percent, with revenue seen 7-11 percent higher in 2025.

GMV growth for Polish operations is expected to come in at 9-11 percent this year, with revenue seen rising by 14-17 percent, and adjusted EBITDA up by 8-12 percent.

GMV for international marketplaces is expected to rise by 40-50 percent this year while revenue is seen 55-65 percent higher and adjusted EBITDA loss should come in at PLN 350-400 million (EUR 83.3-95.2 mln).

MALL Segment is expected to finish the year with GMV down by 55-65 percent, with revenue falling by 45-55 percent, while its adjusted EBITDA loss is projected to equal PLN 150-170 million (EUR 35.7-40.5 mln).

CAPEX is foreseen at PLN 850 million -1 billion (EUR 202.3-238 mln) in Poland, PLN 40-50 million (EUR 9.5-11.9 mln) on international marketplaces, and PLN 30-40 million (EUR 7.1-9.5 mln) in the MALL Segment this year.

"We have proven that we can launch our marketplace in new countries rapidly and cheaply, but we will pause our launch programme for a short while," CEO Roy Perticucci said, quoted in a release.

In the international segment, Allegro plans as a priority to complete the transformation of the MALL Group and accelerate GMV growth on three new marketplace platforms in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary.

"Allegro's Board has announced its capital allocation policy, investing for profitable organic growth, maintaining modest leverage and returning surplus capital through share buy-backs," CFO Jon Eastick.

"We intend to put a PLN 1.4 billion share buyback in 2025 to a shareholder vote at the forthcoming AGM," he added.

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