Amica white goods signs agreements with employees' trade union on collective redundancies

Listed white goods producer Amica has signed agreements with the trade union of employees on collective redundancies, the company announced in a market filing. The parties agreed that the redundancies would cover 39 employees of the company.

It was stated that the subject of the agreement is to define the rules of conduct in matters concerning employees covered by the intended collective redundancies, as well as the company's obligations (as an employer) to the extent necessary to resolve other employee matters related to the intended group redundancies.

In the content of the concluded agreement, it was agreed, in particular, on the criteria for selecting employees whose employment contracts will be terminated as part of the layoffs and the scope of benefits to which employees covered by them will be entitled.

The parties to the agreement agreed that the collective redundancies will be carried out in the period from November 20, 2024, to December 20, 2024, and will cover 39 employees of the company (the last employment contracts as a result of the expiry of the notice period will terminate respectively at the end of March 2025).

The company's management indicates that a full estimate of the savings in the area of employee costs in connection with the workforce restructuring will be possible once the process of changing the staffing levels has been completed.

At the end of October, the company reported that Amica was planning to carry out collective redundancies, which would cover no more than 49 employees.

At the time, it was indicated that the decision regarding the planned group redundancies was based on the continuing downward trend in demand for white goods on the domestic and European markets, and thus the lower-than-expected value and volume of sales and the amount of revenue generated by Amica S.A. from products and goods offered to consumers.

alk/ ao/ nl/

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