ARK ROYAL SA (14/2019) Information on company development plans.

Raport bieżący 14/2019

Postawa prawna: Art. 17 ust. 1 MAR - informacje poufne.

The Management Board of Ark Royal SA informs, that it maintains its strategic objective of contributing to innovative Information Technology (IT) projects. We believe that participating in IT projects that require specialized knowledge (especially Artificial Intelligence) represents a great ownership value.

In order to implement the strategy, the Management focuses on three areas:

1. New projects: as a result of the AI advisory project launched in October, the Management Board is working on a new business agreement. As soon as the contract is signed, we will provide details of the project.

2. Polish operation: depending on the resource requirements of the projects, The Management plans to expand the workforce.

3. Acquisition: work on the acquisition of the selected entity is ongoing, but will not be completed in 2019. The Management Board wants to negotiate terms that will be favorable to existing shareholders.

The General Meeting, convened for December 30, 2019, will vote on the election of a new Supervisory Board and proposals for changes to the Company's Statute. The Management Board proposed merging the Company's shares as well as establishing target capital. The dynamic growth of the Company may require raising capital in cash by new investors, on terms favorable to existing shareholders.

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