Asbis IT posts USD 24.5 mln attributable net profit in Q4, revenue at USD 3 bln in 2024

Listed IT equipment distributor Asbis posted USD 24.5 million of attributable net profit in the fourth quarter of 2024, above the market expectations for USD 21.4 million net take, the company's financial report showed. In the whole of 2024, Asbis achieved revenues of USD 3,008.5 million and net profit of USD 54.4 million.

"Looking at all the challenges we faced in 2024, we ended the year in style and with a very good result, full of hope and ideas for 2025. We expect the geopolitical situation to stabilise," the company said in the report.

"We believe inflationary pressures will be lower and consumer sentiment should improve. At Asbis, we have many areas of growth. Our objective is clear and that is to grow organically through operational excellence, but also through appropriate acquisitions," it added.

Below are Asbis Q4 2024 results in relation to the PAP Biznes consensus and previous results (data in USD mln):

4Q2024 results consensus difference y/y q/q YTD 2024
USD mln USD mln % % % USD mln
Revenues 926.9 912.3 1.6% 3.8% 28.3% 3,008.5
EBITDA 37.7 35.3 6.8% 88.5% 77.8% 102.9
EBIT 35.5 33.0 7.6% 86.8% 86.8% 94.3
Attrib. net profit 24.5 21.4 14.5% --- --- 54.4

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