Asseco BS IT launches buyback of up to 600k company shares

Listed IT firm Asseco Business Solutions, Asseco's unit, will buy a total of 600,000 of its own shares at PLN 60 (EUR 14.03) apiece as part of a tender offer announced on September 3, the company said in a press release.

Asseco BS announced that 92 bids for a total of 5,093,876 shares had been submitted by September 16.

As a result of the acceptance of the bids, the company will acquire a total of 600,000 own shares, which is the maximum number stipulated in the tender offer.

The Company reduced the offers for sale proportionally. The average reduction rate of the bids submitted was 88.22 percent. Accordingly, the allocation rate of the treasury shares offered for purchase was 11.78 percent.

The Brokerage Office of Santander Bank Poland was the intermediary in the invitation to bid for shares in Asseco Business Solutions.

The purpose of the acquisition of treasury shares is to fulfil the obligations under the company's incentive programme established on June 27, 2024.

pr/ nl/

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