Atal developer may launch nine more investments in 2024 and spend PLN 100 mln on land

Listed housing developer Atal may launch nine more investments in 2024 and spend PLN 100 million (EUR 23.4 mln) on land, company representatives told a video conference.

"We have spent PLN 174 million on new land in the first six months of 2024 (...), but this is not the end of the story, because after six months we bought more land for more than PLN 130 million. So to date, we have spent more than PLN 300 million in 2024, and probably by the end of the year the amount will be higher," the board member Andrzej Biedronka-Tetla said.

"We have spent over PLN 300 million and I think we will spend about PLN 100 million by the end of the year, because there are a few things in the pipeline. PLN 400 million is our estimated level of spending," Atal's CEO Zbigniew Juroszek added.

As reported, Atal launched 13 projects for a total of 3,000 flats in the first half of 2024. Currently, five more projects for 640 flats have been launched and nine more investments are planned by the end of the year.

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