Banco Santander S.A.BANCO SANTANDER SA Information concerning the transactions made by the obliged persons - correction
Report no 25/2015
Podstawa prawna: Art. 160 ust 4 Ustawy o obrocie - informacja o transakcjach osób maj¹cych dostêp do informacji poufnych
Banco Santander S.A. ("the Bank") hereby informs that the director of the Bank provided the Bank with the correction of his notification concerning the acquisition of shares with regard to the number of shares being subject to acquisition. The correct number of shares is 4,154 instead of the number of 4,453 indicated in the original notification.
Thus, item 11 of the report shall read as follows:
"11) 945 shares in the first cycle,
4,533 shares in the second cycle,
4,154 shares in the third cycle,".
Legal basis:
§ 6 clause 2 of the Ministry of Finance ordinance dated February 19, 2009 re. current and financial reporting by securities issuers and conditions for treatment as equivalent of information provided under law of non-member states
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