Best expects formal merger with Kredyt Inkaso to be completed in early April

Listed debt collector Best assumes that the formal merger with listed debt collector Kredyt Inkaso will be finalised in the first days of April, the company said in a market filing.

The extraordinary general meeting of listed debt collector Kredyt Inkaso has agreed to merge with listed debt collector Best by transferring all the company's assets to Best in exchange for shares.

"We are determined to obtain a merger entry immediately in the National Court Register. Thanks to this, we will already be able, with an enlarged team, to focus on the implementation of our vision of building BEST 3.0 - a modern fintech of the debt collection industry, using the best experience, good practices and know-how of both merging entities, supported by innovative, advanced technological solutions," Best's CEO and main shareholder Krzysztof Borusowski, quoted in the filing, said.

It was reported that Best Group ended 2024 with a record level of repayments from receivables due to the Group, which exceeded PLN 465 million (EUR 111.6 mln). The group's cash EBITDA increased by 13 percent in 2024 to PLN 249.3 million (EUR 59.8 mln) and net profit doubled to over PLN 103 million (EUR 24.7 mln).

Best Group started 2025 with a debt portfolio worth PLN 1.6 billion (EUR 383.8 mln), and its value increased by nearly 19 percent last year.

"Our goal for this year is to effectively integrate Best and Kredyt Inkaso and further increase scale. We want to simultaneously achieve the assumed synergies within the merged companies, as well as actively scale our operations in Poland and abroad," said the company's deputy CEO Marek Kucner.

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