Bogdanka coal has annex to thermal coal sales agreement with Azoty's Pulawy unit

Listed coal mining group Bogdanka has signed an annex to a long-term thermal coal sales agreement with the unit of listed chemicals group Azoty, ZA Pulawy, the companies said in market filings.

In the concluded annex, the price of deliveries in 2025 was established, the term of the long-term agreement was extended by two years, until the end of 2030, and volumes in the period from 2024 to 2027 were redefined, as a result of which, the delivery of some volumes from this period was postponed to 2029-2030.

"As a result of the conclusion of this annex, the estimated value of the agreement from its conclusion until December 31, 2030, will amount (without taking into account possible increases, deviations and tolerances) to a total of PLN 2.745 billion net, 3.6 percent less than the value from last year’s December report," the market filings said.

"The value of the long-term agreement for the period 2024-2030 (extended period of deliveries from 2024-2028) will amount to PLN 1.095 billion net, 8.6 percent less than the value for the period 2024-2028 stated in last year’s December report," they added.

The planned value of the long-term contract for 2025-2030 will be PLN 948 million (EUR 221.6 mln) net.

seb/ han/ ao/

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