Bogdanka coal wants to publish strategy update by end-2024

Listed coal mining group Bogdanka has started work on a strategy update. Its announcement is expected by the end of 2024, Bogdanka said in its quarterly report.

"Currently, there is a clear trend of increasing the generation capacity of renewable energy sources (RES) units, which directly affects the demand for coal," the report said.

"The increase in the importance of RES in the Polish energy mix, as well as the gradual shutdown of coal-based generating units planned in the long term and their replacement with other energy sources, leads to a decrease in the share of energy produced from coal, which is a consequence of the climate policy assuming progressive decarbonisation of the Polish economy," it added.

According to the company, this process forces companies operating in the coal sector to review their existing strategies and adapt them to the changing market realities.

"In view of the aforementioned changes in the market and the resulting sales prospects, the company has started work on updating its strategy, which is expected to be announced by the end of 2024," it added.

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