Boguslaw Kott resigns as chairman of supervisory board of Millennium lender

The chairman listed lender Bank Millennium's supervisory board and former long-standing CEO Boguslaw Kott announced at supervisory board's meeting late Thursday that he had decided to limit his professional activity and would cease to serve as chairman and member of the bank's supervisory board at the end of the current term, the company said in a market filing.

The current term of office of the bank's supervisory board ends on the date of the company's annual general meeting in 2025, which will consider the financial statements for the 2024 financial year.

"Boguslaw Kott is the co-founder and co-organiser of Bank Millennium. From the bank's inception in 1989 until 2013, he was the bank's CEO. He then served as chairman of the supervisory board. He has just announced his decision to cease his role on the board," Millennium said in the market filing.

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