Budimex builder receives nearly PLN 1.05 billion lawsuit from PGE

Listed builder Budimex has received a lawsuit worth nearly PLN 1.05 billion (EUR 246 mln) relating to the construction of unit 7 at Elektrownia Turow, Budimex said in a market filing. The lawsuit was filed by listed power utility PGE's mining unit, PGE Gornictwo i Energetyka Konwencjonalna, against consortium members Mitsubishi Power Europe GmbH, Tecnicas Reunidas and Budimex.

Budimex received a lawsuit with a value of nearly PLN 1.05 billion (EUR 246 mln) covering the amount from the debit notes and claims for payment for other categories of damages related to the occurrence (according to the plaintiff) of defects in the block, as well as for ordering the removal of defects (valued in the lawsuit at a maximum of PLN 207 million or EUR 48.5 mln, formulated as an alternative claim for payment or covering the costs of substitute performance).

The lawsuit was directed against the above consortium members as joint debtors. Budimex's share in the consortium amounts to 23.58 percent.

"The management of Budimex, as well as the other consortium members, consider the claims of the ordering party to be unfounded. Regardless of the above-mentioned notes and the lawsuit, the parties are in the course of mediation proceedings with the participation of representatives of the general prosecutor's office of the Republic of Poland, which has not yet ended," Budimex stressed.

"In the course of mediation and in court proceedings, the consortium filed claims against the ordering party, i.e. PGE Gornictwo i Energetyka Konwencjonalna, comprising two lawsuits for a total amount of nearly PLN 627.2 million and EUR 16.9 million. Unlike the ordering party's claim, in the case of the consortium's claims, they are not joint and several in nature - as mentioned above, Budimex's share is 23.58 percent," it added.

At the same time, Budimex stated that as part of its share in the consortium, it is not responsible for the supply of key technological equipment.

At the end of October 2024, Budimex reported that PGE Gornictwo i Energetyka Konwencjonalna had issued a debit note in the amount of PLN 356.9 million (EUR 83.6 mln) to the consortium of Mitsubishi Power Europe Gmbh, Tecnicas Reunidas and Budimex, which was responsible for carrying out the construction of the Turow unit.

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