CD Projekt games EGM to decide on Marcin Iwinski's return to company's management board

Listed games developer CD Project's extraordinary general meeting on November 28 will decide to dismiss Marcin Iwinski from the company's supervisory board and appoint him as a member of the company's management board, CD Projekt said in a notice convening the EGM.

Iwinski resigned as deputy CEO for international affairs and member of the company's management board in 2022. He has served as the head of CD Projekt's supervisory board since January 2023.

In addition, the general meeting convened for November 28 will decide whether to dismiss Adam Kicinski from the company's management board and appoint him to the supervisory board, as previously announced.

On October 17, the company announced that Adam Kicinski would resign from his position as a member of the management board at CD Projekt, effective at the end of December 31, 2024, and intends to run for the supervisory board.

The news was first reported in May 2023, when the company announced Kicinski's intention to resign as a member of the company's management board at the end of 2024 and his plans to run for the CD Projekt's supervisory board.

mcb/ ao/ han/

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