CI Games to carry out forced buyout of United Label shares

Listed video games developer CI Games, having exceeded its 95 percent stake in United Label, will announce a forced purchase of shares held by minority shareholders of the publishing platform, the company said in a press release. CI Games has set the purchase price for United Label shares at PLN 18 (EUR 4.17).

"From the day of United Label's IPO on NewConnect in January 2021 - until today - the NewConnect index has lost 54 percent. A forced buyout of United Label shares under the parameters we have set will mean a 12.5 percent return on investment for investors who took up shares in the company during the IPO," CI Games' CEO Marek Tyminski said.

"As previously announced, we will continue to develop United Label, which is an integral part of our group of companies. We see it as a huge potential for further growth for CI Games," he added.

Subsequently, in accordance with applicable laws, CI Games intends to delist the company from the Warsaw Stock Exchange.

alk/ nl/ ao/

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