Dom Development estimates that July and August were strong in terms of sales

Listed real estate developer Dom Development estimates that July and August were strong in terms of sales, management representatives told a video conference. The developer continues to see strong demand in the market.

"The first two months of the third quarter, this is July and August, were strong in terms of sales. The rest of the parameters are unchanged," said the company's CEO Jaroslaw Szanajca.

"We believe very strongly in the steady and strong demand on the market. (...) We disagree with the rest of the market in terms of our feeling about what we see from the data - that there is a big cooling in demand," he assessed.

In the first half of 2024, the group sold a net 1,954 units, up 6 percent year on year, and handed over 1,637 units to buyers, down from 1,998 a year ago.

The group launched 25 projects in the period, totalling 2,963 units in all four agglomerations where it operates, namely Warsaw, the Tri-City, Wroclaw and Krakow.

doa/ nl/ ao/

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