Enea, Energa and PGE Dystrybucja to receive PLN 617.67 mln for development of smart grids

Listed power group Enea, Poland's largest energy concern Orlen's subsidiary Energa and listed power utility PGE's unit PGE Dystrybucja will receive a total of PLN 617.67 million (EUR 143.1 mln) for the development of smart grids, the climate ministry said in a statement.

"Eight agreements for co-financing under the EU's Funds for Infrastructure, Climate and Environment FEnIKS 2021-2027 programme were signed by the Oil and Gas Institute PIB in Krakow with three beneficiaries: Enea Operator, Energa Operator and PGE Dystrybucja. The total value of the co-financing is PLN 617,672,247.07," it stated.

According to Poland's Ministry of Climate and Environment (MKiS), the areas of Borek Wielkopolski, Bialystok, Skarzysko-Kamienna, Lodz, Warsaw and Zamosc will be enriched with new smart grids, which will ensure more efficient transmission and faster restoration of power supply in the event of a power failure.

The smart infrastructure will also reduce operating and management costs at utilities.

Following the signing of these contracts, the contracting (i.e. the value of funding) for electricity infrastructure from the FEnIKS programme already amounts to PLN 1.157 billion (EUR 267.9 mln).

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