Grupa Pracuj counts on HR Tech SaaS segment being 30 pct of revenue in 2025 or 2026

Listed HR firm Grupa Pracuj counts on the HR Tech SaaS segment constituting at least 30 percent of the group's revenue in 2025 or 2026, the group's representatives told a press conference.

"It is another quarter when the HR Tech SaaS segment's share of revenue is growing," member of the management board Gracjan Fiedorowicz said.

"This revenue is characterised by stronger resilience towards macroeconomic changes, recession and economic slowdown, so it is important for us for this share to grow and reach at least 30 percent in 2025 or 2026," he added.

In the first half of 2024, the HR Tech SaaS segment's share of group's revenue amounted to 26.2 percent.

The number of clients using the eRecruiter system, offered in the software as a service, amounted to 2,040; up 8.3 percent from the year prior.

Softgarden service, German system supporting talent acquisition, was actively used by 1,720 companies, up 11.1 percent year on year, with the monthly repeatable revenue growth in EUR crossing 26 percent year on year.

The number of HRlink active clients amounted to 241.

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