Huuuge plans group layoffs at Huuuge Games of approx. 21 pct of group's employees

Listed mobile free-to-play games developer Huuuge is planning group layoffs at its subsidiary, Huuuge Games, which will involve approximately 21 percent of the group's total workforce as of the end of December, the games developer said in a market filing. Huuuge does not rule out further redundancies; it anticipates that the group's workforce reduction will amount to approximately 28 percent of employees in total.

As stated in the market filing, the management board of the Huuuge Games subsidiary has adopted a resolution of intent to conduct collective redundancies and has started the consultation process on them. The company anticipates that the group layoffs at Huuuge Games will be carried out by the end of February 2025.

"At the same time, in connection with the process of group layoffs at the subsidiary, the issuer will concurrently review the employment structure throughout the capital group, including outside Poland, and does not rule out further staff reductions," Huuuge announced.

"The issuer anticipates that, as a result of such actions and group layoffs, the reduction of employment in the issuer's capital group (as at the end of December 31, 2024) will be approximately 28 percent of the workforce," it added.

Huuuge said it will publish a further report on the collective redundancies once the legally required consultation process with employee representatives has been completed.

"Final data on the impact of the subsidiary's employment restructuring on the financial results of the issuer and its group will be presented in the consolidated report for the first quarter of 2025," Huuuge reported.

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