ICPDICPD (6/2024) EBI Periodical Report N 11: Annual Audited Financial Statements for 2023
Raport Roczny nr 6/2024
Hereby, ICPD REIT, Bulgaria is posting its signed audited annual financial statements for 2023 in English:
1. Annual Financial Statements
2. Annual Financial Statements in FSC approved format-xls/pdf
3. Audit report
4. CEO_CFO declarations
5. Annual Activity report
6. Corporate Governance Statement
7. Renumeration Policiy Report
8. Reference for the owned commercial real estate
9. Reference under art.31 para 3 acc. to order of art.29 para 3 for conversion of the financial result
The materials are also posted in xhtml and xlsx formats on the BSE in Bulgarian:…
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