Inter Cars automotive posts PLN 1.556 bln in revenue in July, up 7.7 pct y/y

Listed automotive parts distributor Inter Cars reported PLN 1.556 billion (EUR 364 mln) in consolidated revenues in August, up by 7.7 percent year on year, the company said in a market filing. Cumulatively, year to date, the group generated PLN 12.42 bln (EUR 2.90 bln) in revenue, up by 9.0 percent year on year.

Inter Cars' automotive sales amount to PLN 1.025 billion (EUR 240 mln) in August, up by 5.9 percent year on year, of which sales in Poland were for PLN 630.0 million (EUR 147 mln), an increase of 8.1 percent year on year.

Inter Cars' year-to-date sales have increased cumulatively from the prior year period by 6.8 percent to PLN 8.316 billion (EUR 1.95 bln).

In Poland, sales growth was 8.6 percent, to PLN 5.066 billion (EUR 1.19 bln).


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