INTER RAO LIETUVA AB (21/2022) Notice on the extra-judicial bankruptcy procedure of AB "INTER RAO Lietuva"

Report no 21/2022

Podstawa prawna: art. 17. 1 MAR.

This is to inform you that the meeting of creditors of 30 June 2022 resolved to conduct an extrajudicial bankruptcy procedure of AB "INTER RAO Lietuva", company code 126119913, legal address Antano Tumno st. 4, Vilnius, and to appoint UAB "moni bankroto administravimo ir teisini paslaug biuras" as the administrator of this company (List of Persons Providing Insolvency Administration Services No N-JA0027, entered into the List on 21 October 2001, address - Jonavos st. 16A, LT44269 Kaunas, phone number +370-37-30 89 45, e-mail: The person authorized by the insolvency administrator is Aurimas Valaitis.

AB "INTER RAO Lietuva" acquired the legal status of a bankrupt company on 30 June 2022.

This is to inform you that according to Article 28 and Article 61 of the Law on Insolvency of Legal Entities, from 30 June 2022:

1. It is prohibited to fulfil the financial obligations of the legal entity that have not been fulfilled by 30 June 2022, including the payment of taxes, interest and penalties; collect debts from the legal entity; set off claims; calculate penalties and interest for the obligations of the legal entity that arose before 30 June 2022; establish compulsory mortgages, servitudes, usufruct; pledge property, provide a guarantee, suretyship or other security of the fulfilment of the obligations of other persons.

2. It is considered that the deadlines for the fulfilment of all obligations of the legal entity have expired.

Pursuant to Paragraph 1 of Article 41 of the Law on Insolvency of Legal Entities, all creditors of the company have the right to lodge their claims to the bankrupt AB "INTER RAO Lietuva" until 1 August 2022.

Based on the above, we suggest that you lodge your claims to the bankrupt AB "INTER RAO Lietuva" no later than 1 August 2022 and transfer them to UAB "moni bankroto administravimo ir teisini paslaug biuras", the insolvency administrator of the bankrupt AB "INTER RAO Lietuva", either at its address Jonavos st. 16A, LT-44269 Kaunas or by e-mail:, with the supporting documentation, indicating how the fulfilment of these requirements has been secured.

Pursuant to Article Paragraph 6 of Article 41 of the Law on Insolvency of Legal Entities, where a creditor fails to lodge his claim within a fixed time limit, his right of claim shall lapse.

Please send your e-mail address to the insolvency administrator of the bankrupt AB "INTER RAO Lietuva" at Please note that all information about the insolvency process of AB "INTER RAO Lietuva" will be provided to creditors only by e-mail.

Please note that you can check the credentials of the insolvency administrator of the bankrupt AB "INTER RAO Lietuva" on the website of the Authority of Audit, Accounting, Asset Valuation and Insolvency Management under the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Lithuania at

Legal grounds: Article 17.1 of the EU Regulation on market abuse No 596/2014

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