JSW coal and Bogdanka mine sign letter of intent on cooperation

Listed coking coal group JSW and listed coal mining group Bogdanka have signed a letter of intent to cooperate in the area of production process optimisation. The companies have pledged to exchange experience and information to improve the quality of business management and increase operational efficiency, JSW said in a press release.

As indicated, the cooperation envisages, among other things, the development of new technologies, joint work on innovations in machinery and equipment traffic planning, as well as the analysis of potential synergies in investments.

"The signed document paves the way for further work aimed at developing joint solutions to increase innovation and productivity in our companies," said the deputy CEO of JSW for technical and operational matters Adam Rozmus, quoted in the release.

"I am convinced that the cooperation initiated today will result in concrete solutions benefiting both parties," he added.

The deputy CEO responsible for production at LW Bogdanka Bartosz Roznawski pointed out that the signing of the letter of intent is an important step towards the integration of knowledge and experience.

"We believe that the cooperation will allow for the effective implementation of innovative technological and organisational solutions that will increase the efficiency of our processes, but also contribute to increasing work safety," he said.

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