Kety metals expects market to improve in 2025

Listed metals group Kety expects the market to improve in 2025, but the first half of the year could still be a period of greater volatility, company representatives said during a video conference.

"We are moving in a rather difficult environment in Europe. The economy is stagnant (...), it looks different in different sectors, but it seems that next year should be better thanks to, among other things, interest rate cuts by the ECB, but also the stabilisation of the global environment," Kety's deputy CEO Roman Przybylski said.

"At the beginning of the year, we will probably face volatility related to the presidential inauguration in the United States or the elections in Germany (...), but from the middle of the year onwards, we think that everything should favour stabilisation," he added.

Kety group stated in the presentation that despite the assumed improvement in the economic situation in most of the main markets, 2025 and especially its first half, will be a period of many challenges related to achieving the planned growth in sales revenues, maintaining a high level of profitability with a strong competitive struggle.

"The demand for our products in Europe is greater than in Poland. (...) I see the troubles of our competitors in Western Europe (...) as an opportunity for us," said Kety's CEO Dariusz Manko.

"Doors are opening for us, which may make Grupa Kety a large aluminium group in Europe. I will encourage us to take advantage of the moment that Europe has to open up to our products," he assessed.

According to the management, the group is optimistic about the prospects in the construction segment, among others.

Grupa Kety forecasts that in 2025 it will achieve PLN 541 million (EUR 126.9 mln) net profit and PLN 5.612 billion (EUR 1.32 bln) in revenues, compared to PLN 535 million (EUR 125.5 mln) of net profit and PLN 5.14 billion (EUR 1.2 bln) of revenue expected in 2024.

Consolidated operating profit is expected to reach PLN 744 million (EUR 174.54 mln) in 2025, against PLN 698 million (EUR 163.75 mln) estimated for 2024, and EBITDA is expected to be PLN 990 million (EUR 232.25 mln) versus PLN 910 million (EUR 213.5 mln) estimated for 2024.

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