KGHM copper posts PLN 2.27 bln adj. EBITDA in Q4 2024, above consensus

Listed copper and silver producer KGHM posted PLN 2.271 billion (EUR 544.8 mln) adjusted EBITDA in the fourth quarter of 2024, 11.2 percent above market expectations for PLN 2.042 billion (EUR 489.9 mln), according to calculations by PAP Biznes based on the company's report.

Below are the KGHM's results for the fourth quarter of 2024 against the PAP Biznes consensus:

4Q2024 results consensus difference y/y q/q YTD 2024 y/y
revenues 9181.0 9013.9 1.9% 17.4% 6.0% 35320.0 5.5%
adj. EBITDA 2271.0 2042.7 11.2% 101.5% 14.8% 8457.0 57.7%
EBITDA margin 24.7% 22.3% 2.42 10.32 1.89 23.94% 7.92

The consensus was drawn up before KGHM announced that, following impairment testing in its standalone results for 2024, it would reverse a portion of the write-down of its holding company Future 1, which directly owns 100 percent of KGHM International Ltd, in the amount of PLN 1.323 billion (EUR 317.4 mln) made in previous years.

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