LPP counts on successful fourth quarter

Listed fashion group LPP views the outlook for the fourth quarter as positive, with sales from November 1 to December 10, 2024 up 22.4 percent year-on-year in constant currencies, the company said in its quarterly report.

The group is strengthened in the execution of its 2024 plans by the good outlook for the fourth quarter, driven by the positive reception of the winter collection by customers/clients and the y/y sales growth of +22.4 percent (in constant currencies) from November 1 to December 10, 2024, as well as the execution of planned shop openings in the fourth quarter.

As stated in the presentation, 290 new stores are planned to open in the fourth quarter.

The company said that during Black Week, the five days from November 28 to December 2, the group's sales growth was 16 percent in constant currencies.

As reported, promotions were at a favourable gross margin on sales. In the online segment, sales increased by 28 percent year on year in constant currencies, while offline sales increased by 7 percent year on year.

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