Mabion recognises around USD 320 mln in active offering pipeline

Listed biotech company Mabion's active offering pipeline currently stands at approximately USD 320 million, the company said in a press release.

"The results generated by Mabion in the second quarter and the first half of 2024 demonstrate our high efficiency in business management, and the acquisition of a significant customer from the UK confirms not only the quality of the services offered by Mabion, but also our growing position in the market of professional CDMO entities executing orders for international customers," said CEO Krzysztof Kaczmarczyk, quoted in the press release.

"The actions announced and gradually implemented as part of Strategy 2023-2027 are bearing fruit, and the advanced readiness for CDMO orders allows us to be optimistic about the future. Our pipeline of active offers includes 20 open sales processes with a total value of USD 320 million, and we are preparing and submitting more offers every week. Effectively," he added.

As reported, Mabion currently receives an average of about two requests for proposals per week, and has submitted 29 offers for CDMO services since the beginning of the year.

In the second quarter of 2024, Mabion had revenue of PLN 29.8 million (EUR 6.97 mln), EBITDA of PLN 12.8 million (EUR 2.99 mln), EBIT of PLN 10.6 million (EUR 2.48 mln) and net profit of PLN 10.3 million (EUR 2.41 mln).

Mabion said that cash levels at the end of June 2024 stood at PLN 50.2 million (EUR 11.7 mln), providing a positive outlook for the next 12 months from the reporting date.

doa/ han/

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