MARIE BRIZARD WINE & SPIRITS S.A. (2/2025) Half-year review of Marie Brizard Wine _ Spirits' liquidity contract

Raport bieżący z plikiem 2/2025

Podstawa prawna: Charenton-le-Pont, January 8, 2025

Half-year review of Marie Brizard Wine _ Spirits' liquidity contract

Under Marie Brizard Wine _ Spirits' liquidity contract with Natixis Oddo BHF, the liquidity account contained the following assets at 31 December 2024:

• 60539 shares of Marie Brizard Wine _ Spirits

• 162234,82 Euros in cash

For reference, at the time the contract was established on 29 June 2018, the account held the following assets:

• 75528 shares of Marie Brizard Wine _ Spirits

• 380177,12 Euros in cash

Over the period from 1st July 2024 to 31 December 2024 the following operations were carried out:

• 964 purchase transactions

• 686 sale transactions

Over the same period, the volumes traded represented:

• 203745 shares and 770454,29 Euros for purchase transactions

• 208651 shares and 793143,61 Euros for sale transactions

Investor Relations _ Shareholders

Groupe MBWS

Emilie Drexler

Tél : +33 1 43 91 62 40 Media

Image Sept

Claire Doligez -Laurent Poinsot

Tél : +33 1 53 70 74 70

About Marie Brizard Wine _ Spirits

Marie Brizard Wine _ Spirits is a Group of wines and spirits based in Europe and the United States. Marie Brizard Wine _ Spirits stands out for its expertise, a combination of brands with a long tradition and a resolutely innovative spirit. Since the birth of the Maison Marie Brizard in 1755, the Marie Brizard Wine _ Spirits Group has developed its brands in a spirit of modernity while respecting its origins.

Marie Brizard Wine _ Spirits' commitment is to offer its customers brands of confidence, daring and full of flavours and experiences. The Group now has a rich portfolio of leading brands in their market segments, including William Peel, Sobieski, Marie Brizard and Cognac Gautier.

Marie Brizard Wine _ Spirits is listed on Compartment B of Euronext Paris (FR0000060873 - MBWS) and is part of the EnterNext PEA-PME

150 index.

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