MARIE BRIZARDS WINE & SPIRITS (4/2018) MBWS announces the timing of its Q4 2017 Net sales publication

Raport bieżący z plikiem 4/2018

Podstawa prawna: Inne uregulowania

Paris, 5th February 2018

MBWS announces the timing of its Q4 2017 Net sales publication

Marie Brizard Wine & Spirits (Euronext: MBWS; ISIN code: FR0000060873), today confirmed that it will publish its Q4 2017 Net Sales on Tuesday, 6th February, 2018 at 7:45 AM (CET).

The press release will be posted to the company's website,

About MBWS

Marie Brizard Wine & Spirits produces and sells a range of wine and spirits across four geographic clusters: Western Europe, Middle East & Africa, Central and Eastern Europe, the Americas, and Asia-Pacific. MBWS has distinguished itself for its know-how, the range of its brands, and a long tradition and history of innovation. From the inception of Maison Marie Brizard in Bordeaux, France in 1755, to the launch of Fruits and Wine in 2010, MBWS has successfully developed and adapted its brands to make them contemporary while respecting their origins. MBWS is committed to providing value by offering its customers bold, trustworthy, flavorful and experiential brands. The company has a broad portfolio of leading brands in their respective market segments, most notably William Peel scotch whisky, Sobieski vodka, Krupnik vodka, Fruits and Wine flavored wine, Marie Brizard liqueurs and Cognac Gautier. MBWS is listed on the regulated market of Euronext Paris, Compartment B (ISIN code FR0000060873, ticker MBWS) and is included in the EnterNext© PEA-PME 150 index, among others.


Stéphane Pedrazzi

Tel: +33 1 76 28 40 71


Raquel Lizarraga

Tel: +33 1 43 91 50 18

Simon Zaks, Image Sept

Tel: +33 1 53 70 74 63

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