Mercor fire protection posts PLN 11.5 mln attrrib. net profit in H1 2024/25

Listed passive fire protection manufacturer Mercor posted PLN 11.5 million (EUR 2.7 mln) of attributable net profit in the first half of 2024/25 financial year, down from PLN 30 million (EUR 7 mln) in the prior year period, the group said in its financial report.

In the first half of the 2024/2025 financial year (April 1 to September 30, 2024), sales revenue amounted to PLN 250.3 million (EUR 58.6 mln), EBIT was at PLN 16 million (EUR 3.74 mln) and EBITDA reached PLN 25.3 million (EUR 5.92 mln).

In the second quarter of the 2024/25 financial year alone, the group's revenue was PLN 125.3 million (EUR 29.32 mln) and net profit amounted to PLN 5.4 million (EUR 1.3 mln).

"The first half of the 2024/25 financial year was impacted by lower order intake. This was due to more difficult market conditions, including a slowdown in construction investment and delays in the release of EU funds," said the company's CEO Krzysztof Krempec, quoted in the press release.

"However, we maintained a high level of revenue thanks to the group's diversification both in terms of products and the markets in which we operate," he added.

Krempec continued that when analysing year-on-year net profit, it is worth bearing in mind that its dynamics were influenced by last year's tax refund with interest, which amounted to approximately PLN 10.5 million (EUR 2.46 mln) and significantly supported net profit for the second quarter of the 2023/2024 financial year.

In November, the group signed a preliminary agreement to sell its gravity smoke and fire ventilation business to Kingspan Group.

Mercor reiterated that it plans to recommend allocating a significant part of the amount received in the transaction to the payment of dividends.

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