MILKILAND PCL (14/2021) Shifting of the publication date of the Report of Milkiland Group for 9 months of 2021

Raport bieżący 14/2021

The Board of Directors of Milkiland PCL ("the Company") informs that in connection with the Company's current reports: (i) no 9/2020 and 10/2020 regarding the resolutions adopted by the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company with respect to transfer of Company's corporate seat from Netherlands into Cyprus, (ii) no 13/2020 on registration of the Company's corporate seat in Cyprus, Milkiland Group passed the restructuring and now is controlled by its holding Cypriot company, namely, Milkiland Public Company Limited.

Due to the necessity to consider all of the consequences of the Group's restructuring the publication of the Consolidated financial statements of Milkiland Group for 9 month of 2021 will be shifted to 31 December 2021.

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