MILKILAND PCL (15/2021) Notification on the increase of a holding of shares in Milkiland PCL

Raport bieżący 15/2021

The Board of Directors of Milkiland PCL (the "Company") informs that on November 22, 2021, the Board received the notification from Office of Radoslaw Lubiniecki, attorney in law, registered at ul. Zwyciestwa 4, 44-100, Gliwice, Poland, acting according to the Power of attorney from Mr. Janusz Gwozdz dated November 20, 2021, on increase of holding of shares of Milkiland PCL over the threshold of 5% of the total number of votes at the general meeting of the Company due to the shares purchase transaction made on 08 November, 2021.

On November 20, 2021, Mr. Gwozdz held 1,581,601 (one million five hundred eighty one thousand six hundred and one) shares of the Company that constitutes 5.06% of the Company's share capital and corresponds to 1,581,601 (one million five hundred eighty one thousand six hundred and one) votes or 5.06% of the voting rights on the General Meeting of Shareholders.

Before the transaction Mr. Gwozdz held 1,403,626 (one million four hundred three thousand and six hundred twenty six) shares of the Company that constituted 4.49% of Company's share capital and corresponded to 1,403,626 (one million four hundred three thousand and six hundred twenty six) votes or 4.49% of the voting rights on the General Meeting of Shareholders.

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