Millennium lender posts PLN 173 mln net profit in Q4 2024, above expectations

Listed lender Bank Millennium's net profit in the fourth quarter of 2024 rose to PLN 173 million (EUR 41.2 mln) from PLN 115 million (EUR 27.4 mln) in the prior year period, the bank said in its preliminary results. Net take was 114 percent above market expectations for a profit of PLN 80.9 million (EUR 19.25 mln).

Eight brokerages' expectations contained in the PAP Biznes consensus for the bank's net profit in the fourth quarter of 2024 ranged from PLN 36 million (EUR 8.56 mln) to PLN 165 million (EUR 39.25 mln).

The bank's net profit in the last quarter of 2024 rose by 50 percent year on year and fell by 9 percent quarter on quarter.

For the full year 2024, the group's net profit amounted to PLN 719 million (EUR 171 mln), up 25 percent year on year.\

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