Mostostal Zabrze builder's subsidiary inks approx. PLN 88 mln net deal

Listed builder Mostostal Zabrze's subsidiary has signed an agreement with the Gliwice branch of Maria Sklodowska-Curie National Institute of Oncology - National Research Institute, worth approximately PLN 88.05 million (EUR 20.7 mln) net, the company said in a market filing.

The subject of the contract is the creation of a complete replacement design documentation, followed by the execution of construction, installation and finishing works, together with the delivery of equipment and obtaining an occupancy permit for the facility.

Due to the contracting authority's use of EU funding under the national recovery plan KPO for the execution of the subject of the contract, in the event that the contractor fails to meet the aforementioned deadline, the contracting authority will be entitled to withdraw from the contract, without the contractor's right to make any claims on this account, including as regards the advance payments and payments made by the contractor.

Mostostal Zabrze said that the works covered by the contract must be completed no later than in the first quarter of 2026.

alk/ ao/

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