NOVATURAS AB (212/2024) Novaturas Group is granted a EUR 2.5 mln. credit line

Report no 212/2024

Podstawa prawna: art. 17. 1 MAR.

Tour operator Novaturas Group announces an achieved financing agreement with UAB SME Bank. In the near future the company will enter into a 2-year credit line agreement with UAB SME Bank which will provide a credit facility of up to EUR 2.5 mln.

"The use of a credit line is a common practice in the tourism business, which is characterised by a high seasonality and the resulting fluctuations in revenues. This financial instrument will give us the flexibility to balance our cash flow, ensuring the management of our working capital needs," says Kristijonas Kaikaris, CEO of Novaturas Group.

Under the agreement with UAB SME Bank, Novaturas will be able to take out a credit facility of up to EUR 2.5 mln. The credit line means that a company can, but is not necessarily obliged to, draw on the maximum amount of credit, depending on its working capital needs. This credit line is planned to be an individual guaranteed by UAB ILTE (formerly INVEGA), which will guarantee 80% of the credit line.

The credit line agreement will be signed in the near future and will not be announced by the company separately.

The top management of the company is currently considering other analyses of strategic alternatives to assess different scenarios in order to strengthen the performance of the company and create long-term value for its shareholders, customers, employees and partners.

As previously announced, preliminary data show that in 2024 Novaturas Group served 232 thsnd. customers and generated revenues of EUR 200.1 mln.

About the company

Novaturas Group is the largest and the only charter flights local tour operator in the Baltic States, offering summer and winter trips to more than 30 destinations worldwide and more than 100 tours. Based on audited data, in 2023 Novaturas Group recorded revenues of EUR 208,3 million and served 259 000 passengers in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.

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