Onde at ease about 2 GW development portfolio target despite investment gap in onshore wind farm segment

Onde builder, the unit of listed construction group Erbud, notes an investment gap in the onshore wind farm segment, but is not worried about expanding its development portfolio to at least 2 GW, the company representatives told a video conference.

"We are facing an investment gap in the onshore wind farm segment. We are waiting for new permits based on new regulations (...)," Onde's deputy CEO Piotr Gutowski said.

"This gap will be filled with photovoltaics and hybrid projects," he added.

Onde currently has RES projects in its approximately 1.2 GW development portfolio with connection conditions with a total capacity of about 415 MW.

Gutowski added that the company's management is confident of expanding the portfolio to at least 2 GW.

"As a counterbalance to the business cycle and fewer projects to be built in wind farms, we have a larger number of projects of our own. (...) We believe we will be able to prove the capacity we assume," Onde's CEO Pawel Przybylski said.

"We are working on various bids and in the coming months in the executive area we will be submitting bids for more than PLN 2 billion," he added.

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