Pekao bank and EIF to jointly launch financing for entrepreneurs under InvestEU programme

Listed lender Pekao in cooperation with the European Investment Fund will launch preferential financing for entrepreneurs with a total value of PLN 1.25 billion (EUR 294.4 mln) under the InvestEU programme. The bank plans to launch the first financing in February 2025, Pekao said in a press release.

Based on the agreement signed with the EIF, Pekao will offer customers financing based on three new guarantee lines.

The guarantees will cover investment loans, working capital loans, overdrafts and loans. A new feature is the so-called 'Green Guarantee' for companies implementing sustainable projects concerning, among other things, clean energy, energy-efficient buildings or low-emission transport.

InvestEU is the European Commission's 2021-2027 programme carried out by the European Investment Fund, aiming at the acceleration of economic growth in Europe.

The bank has announced that further products based on the guarantee lines of this programme will be introduced in the first half of 2025.

These guarantees are free of charge for customers meeting the definition of a micro-entrepreneur. The offer will be active until 2027 or until funds are exhausted.

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