Pekao lender to issue Eurobonds with total value of EUR 500 mln under EMTN programme

Listed lender Bank Pekao has completed the subscription of senior non-preferred Eurobonds (Senior Non-Preferred) with a total nominal value of EUR 500 million maturing in September 2030, stated the bank in a market filing. The eurobonds will be issued under the EMTN programme.

The Eurobonds are to be admitted to trading on the Regulated Market of the Luxembourg Stock Exchange and the Warsaw Stock Exchange and listed on the Official List of the Luxembourg Stock Exchange.

As stated, the number of Eurobonds subscribed amounted to 5,000 units. The reduction rate of the Eurobonds allocated in one tranche was 57.37 percent.

The price at which the Eurobonds will be subscribed will be 99.507 percent of the nominal value. The margin will be 180 basis points.

The Eurobonds will be issued for a period of six years, with an option for the bank to redeem them early five years after the issue.

The expected date of issue of the Eurobonds is September 24, 2024.

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