Pekao lender as organiser of PLN 7.5 bln bond issues for institutional investors in 2024

In 2024, the value of bond issues organised and co-organised by listed lender Pekao for institutional investors exceeded PLN 7.5 billion (EUR 1.76 bln), of which more than 30 percent were green issues, or those linked to sustainable development indicators, the bank said in a press release.

The bank reported that it had a quarter of the market share in bonds for corporate clients for a total of PLN 3.8 billion (EUR 892.24 mln) attributable to Pekao in stand-alone and syndicated transactions.

In 2024, the amount of bond issues carried out by Pekao only for national and international mission institutions (European Investment Bank, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Poland's state development bank BGK) reached more than PLN 10 billion (EUR 2.35 bln), supporting both the Polish zloty as well as the euro and dollar needs of these entities.

Last year, the bank also carried out several dozen bond issues for both local government units and municipal companies, with a total amount of over PLN 1.9 billion (EUR 446.12 mln).

Pekao's own issues and those of Pekao Group companies were a separate category, with a total nominal value of the equivalent of PLN 35.65 billion (EUR 8.37 bln) last year.

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