Pepco Group retailer plans to open around 300 net new shops in FY25

Listed retailer Pepco Group plans to open approximately 300 net new shops in the 2025 financial year. The priority will be to continue to grow LFL revenues, the company said in a market filing.

"While it remains early in the year, the group expects to build on the like-for-like sales momentum delivered by Pepco so far in the financial year 2025. (...) For 2025 financial year we are targeting to open approximately 300 net new stores across the group, with new stores principally focused on the Pepco brand and primarily in the CEE region," Pepco said in a market filing.

"Management’s priority in the financial year 2025 will be to deliver continuing progress on like-for-like revenues, which should improve as we overcome supply chain challenges, supported by better prices, while we continue to enhance the core customer proposition. With these foundations, as well as a continued focus on disciplined capex to drive free cash generation, we expect to deliver further strategic progress in the financial year 2025," it added.

Pepco Group added that it plans to update on the group’s strategic plan at a Capital Markets Day investor event that will be held on March 6, 2025. Further details will follow in due course.


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