PGE and Ørsted have agreement to lease space in Gdansk for Baltica 2

Listed power group PGE, Ørsted and Istrana have signed an agreement for the lease of the future T5 terminal in the Port of Gdansk. It will be used for storage, pre-assembly and offshore installation of turbine components for the Baltica 2 project, PGE said in a press release.

As stated, the lease will cover the period from the fourth quarter of 2026 (when the construction work is scheduled to be completed) tentatively until the end of 2028. The lease is for the entire T5 with an area of 21.3 hectares, almost half of which are areas with increased bearing capacity necessary for offshore projects.

The concept and design of the terminal is intended to allow for the simultaneous use of the total length of quays, comprising two loading berths for jack-up installation vessels, an unloading quay and a ramp for unloading ro-ro transport vessels.

The parties to the agreement are wind power plant Elektrownia Wiatrowa Baltica 2, which is owned by PGE and Ørsted, and Istrana, a special purpose company owned 85 percent by the governmental Polish Development Fund and 15 percent by Baltic Hub. Istrana won the tender for the lease of land covered by waters located within the administrative boundaries of the Port of Gdansk, on which an installation terminal for offshore wind farms will be built in the coming years.

"The terminal lease agreement provides us with the port space necessary for the implementation of the Baltica 2 offshore wind farm project, guaranteeing space for the loading of offshore wind turbine components onto vessels and comprehensive handling of installation vessels," PGE CEO Dariusz Marzec said.

According to PGE and Ørsted, Gdansk has very good navigational conditions and a favourable location in relation to the area where their first joint offshore wind farm will be built. Preparations for the construction of the terminal are now well advanced - the project has received a building permit from the Pomeranian region.

"The location of the installation port in Gdansk is also an important element in the development of the Polish offshore wind energy supply chain. Installation ports on the Polish coast will also serve the next phases of offshore wind development in Poland beyond the current decade," added Agata Staniewska-Bolesta, managing head of Ørsted Offshore Poland.

Baltica 2 is one of two - along with Baltica 3 - phases of the Baltica Offshore Wind Farm. PGE and Ørsted have contracted all the necessary components for the Baltica 2 project and have signed all the contracts for their installation. The partners have also selected a general contractor for the onshore connection infrastructure and plan to complete the Baltica 2 stage with a capacity of about 1.5 GW by the end of 2027, and the Baltica 3 stage with a capacity of about 1 GW by 2030.

doa/ nl/

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