Poland has more than 8 GW contracted after 2029 capacity market auction - grid operator

The volume of capacity obligations resulting from the capacity contracts concluded as a result of the main auction for the delivery year 2029 is 8,053.577 MW, Poland's power grid operator PSE reported on its website.

"The main auction for the year of supply 2029 ended in the seventh round with a closing price of PLN 264.90/kW/year," PSE wrote.

The operator added that the total volume of power obligations resulting from capacity contracts concluded as a result of the main auction for the 2029 delivery year is 8,053.577 MW, of which 1,584.000 MW relates to capacity contracts covered by power market units consisting of foreign physical units.

The capacity market is intended as a support mechanism for power plants and energy companies for which energy prices on the wholesale market in the long term do not guarantee the repayment of investments in new conventional generating units needed to maintain the secure operation of the energy system and ensure electricity supply. Its costs are borne by the final consumers of electricity.

The units selected at the auction to fulfil the so-called capacity obligation, which consists of the readiness to supply electricity to the system and the obligation to actually supply power in times of emergency, are remunerated.

jz/ ao/

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