Poland to use PLN 900 mln from EU funds to support construction of energy storage facilities

A call for applications for co-financing energy storage systems from the national recovery plan KPO will be launched on February 17, Poland's National Environmental Protection and Water Management Fund (NFOSiGW) announced. The budget for the call aimed at entrepreneurs is PLN 893.5 million (EUR 214.6 mln).

"The National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management (NFOSiGW) will launch a call for applications for funding to build energy storage systems on February 17. Funding for the programme of nearly PLN 900 million has been secured from the national recovery plan KPO," the fund wrote.

The programme is expected to contribute to a large-scale battery energy storage system (BESS).

"Within the framework of the call (...) it will be possible to apply for support for the construction of an electricity storage system with a capacity of 0.9 GWh and an operating time of 4 to 5 hours, e.g. battery containers, inverters, transformers, installation of battery modules, support systems (...) together with testing and acceptance of the storage (mandatory scope)," the fund stated.

Support will also be available for the construction of the grid connection and associated infrastructure within the optional scope of the support offered, as well as for the configuration and adaptation of the storage facility.

"The subsidy in the form of a grant can amount to a maximum of 45 percent of the value of the eligible investment costs," it stated.

The call is aimed at entrepreneurs who have their registered office or branch in the territory of Poland, excluding entities from the financial sector.

The budget of the call is PLN 893.5 million (EUR 214.6 mln) and the call will last until March 14, 2025.

jz/ han/ nl/

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