Poland's energy market regulator approves distribution tariffs for 2025

Poland's energy market regulator URE has approved tariffs for the five largest distribution companies, the average annual distribution fees for households will not increase, the regulator said in a statement.

Poland's energy market regulator URE has approved tariffs for the five largest distribution companies: listed power group Enea's unit - Enea Operator, Energa Operator - the unit of Poland's largest energy concern Orlen's subsidiary - Energa, listed power utility PGE's unit - PGE Dystrybucja, listed power group Tauron's unit responsible for distribution segment -Tauron Dystrybucja, and Polish energy distributor Stoen Operator.

"As a result, the average annual distribution fees for households will remain unchanged," URE announced.

The regulator stated that the total cost of an electricity bill consists of the costs of energy purchase and the costs of energy distribution (transport). The head of URE approves tariffs for both sales (for household consumers using the tariffs of so-called ex-officio sellers) and distribution service (for all groups of consumers).

"In accordance with the decision of the legislators in November, the price per MWh of electricity consumed has been frozen at PLN 500/MWh until the end of September 2025. This means that the price will be the same as in the second half of 2024," URE explained.

"The price for distribution, on the other hand, results from tariff rates approved by the head of URE. On December 16, this year, the regulator approved distribution rates for the five largest companies for 2025. As a result, the average annual distribution rates for the total household bill (group G) in 2025 will not increase," it added.

According to URE, the average distribution rate for Enea Operator will increase by 3.5 percent, for Energa operator by 3.7 percent, for PGE Dystrybucja by 0.4 percent, for Tauron Dystrybucja by 4.1 percent.

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