Polenergia power appoints Adam Purwin as new term CEO

Poland's largest private energy group Polenergia's supervisory board has appointed Adam Purwin as a member of the new term management board, assigning him as the CEO, the group said in a market filing.

Andrzej Filip Wojciechowski has been appointed as deputy CEO for development, Piotr Tomasz Sujecki as deputy CFO and Lukasz Buczynski as COO.

The management board members have been appointed for a shared 3-year term, from the day of the previous management board term ending, i.e. from January 1, 2025.

As the new management board members have been appointed, the mandates of all the current management board members expire with the end of the current 3-year term on December 31, 2024.

pel/ mik/ ao/

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