R.Power issues green bonds worth PLN 530 mln

Polish photovoltaic company R.Power has issued green bonds worth PLN 530 million (EUR 122 mln), the company said in a press release. The purpose of the issue is to refinance existing bonds and finance new projects.

"The new green bond issue allows R.Power to refinance its current obligations and additionally provide capital for the development of photovoltaic (PV) and energy storage (BESS) projects," they wrote.

"Despite challenges in the market and a record number of competing issues, we successfully completed our largest bond issue to date. This result not only confirms investor confidence in our strategy and financial stability, but also strengthens our position as a leader in the renewable energy sector," management board member, Tomasz Sek, quoted in the press release, said.

The bond issue was organised by listed unit of Germany's Commerzbank mBank, with the support of the law firm Clifford Chance as legal advisor to mBank.

alk/ nl/ han/

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Waluta Kurs Zmiana
1 CHF 4,3669 -0,70%
1 EUR 4,1977 0,29%
1 GBP 4,9771 -0,05%
100 JPY 2,6109 -0,34%
1 USD 3,8481 -0,24%