Santander BP to issue senior non-preferred bonds worth up to PLN 1.8 bln

Listed lender Santander Bank Polska's management board has decided to issue 'senior non-preferred' series 2/2024 bonds worth up to PLN 1.8 billion (EUR 421 mln), the bank said in a market filing.

As stated, the issue is scheduled to be settled on September 30, 2024. The bonds are due to be redeemed on 30 September 2027, subject to the bank's right of early redemption.

The nominal value of one bond will amount to PLN 500,000 (EUR 116,950) and the issue price is equal to the nominal value of the bonds.

The bonds will bear interest at a floating interest rate, being the sum of the WIBOR rate for six-month deposits and a margin of 1.4 percent per year.

The Bank stated that the bonds are to be issued as eligible liabilities within the meaning of the Bank Guarantee Fund, Deposit Guarantee System and Forced Restructuring Act of 10 June 2016.

The bank will apply for a listing of the bonds in the alternative trading system operated by the WSE.

pel/ nl/ han/

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