Tauron power has annex to loan agreement with BGK increasing amount to PLN 2.45 bln

Listed power utility Tauron PE has signed an annex to the loan agreement with Poland's state development bank BGK increasing the loan amount by PLN 450 million (EUR 107.7 mln) to PLN 2.45 billion (EUR 586.5 mln), Tauron said in a market filing.

At the end of October 2024, Tauron Polska Energia signed a loan agreement with BGK for an amount of PLN 2 billion (EUR 478.8 mln). The loan funds can be used to finance or refinance the group's expenses related to investments in the area of RES, the development of distribution networks, the construction of energy storage facilities and investments in the area of heat.

As reported, according to the agreement, from the date of its conclusion Tauron will be able to utilise the funds in the amount of PLN 1 billion (EUR 239.4 mln) under the so-called 'Tranche A' after fulfilling the suspensive conditions standard for this type of financing.

The remaining amount (Tranche B) of PLN 1 billion (EUR 239.4 mln) was to be available at the company's request within 12 months from the date of the agreement.

Under the annex signed on Monday, the amount of Tranche B is increased.

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