Text software estimates USD 21.43 mln in payments received in Q3 FY 2024/25

Listed software services provider Text estimates that it had USD 21.43 million in payments received in the third quarter of the 2024/25 financial year, up by 0.4 percent year on year and down by 6.2 percent quarter on quarter, the company said in a market filing.

As reported, the estimated result is a result of a lower proportion of annual fees in total payments compared to the previous quarter and prior-year-period levels.

In the third quarter of the financial year, the estimated value of the group's Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR) from subscriptions to all products, at the end of December 2024, was USD 7.10 million, up 9.4 percent year on year and up 0.9 percent quarter on quarter. The reported MRR excludes payments not covered by fixed subscription fees (fees for additional ChatBot interactions, API as a Service and others).

At the end of December 2024, the ARPL (average monthly revenue per licence - the same as the previously used term ARPU) of the LiveChat product was USD 178.6, up from USD 173.9 at the end of September 2024 and USD 156.4 in the prior year period.

The ARPL of the ChatBot product was USD 144.3, against USD 148.1 at the end of September 2024 and USD 132.4 a year ago, respectively.

HelpDesk product ARPL was USD 210.2, up from USD 191.1 at the end of September 2024 and USD 140 a year ago, respectively.

At the end of the third quarter of the 2024/2025 financial year, the number of paying LiveChat customers was 35,508.

At the end of December 2024, the number of ChatBot customers was 3,090 and the number of HelpDesk customers at the end of the period was 1,321.

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