Unibep builder's real estate unit sells 60 flats in Q4 2024

Listed builder Unibep real estate unit, Unidevelopment, sold 60 apartments in the fourth quarter of 2024, including 16 apartments under joint projects with third parties, Unibep said in a market filing. In the third quarter, Unidevelopment group was selling apartments under eight projects.

At the end of the fourth quarter of 2024, the Unidevelopment group had 22 reservation agreements concluded for units in ongoing investments.

"The number of units sold by Unidevelopment group companies in 2024 was mainly influenced by the schedules of investments under construction and external factors affecting customer activity - limited availability of mortgage loans and uncertainty regarding the introduction of Poland's subsidised mortgage programme," they wrote.

"In the fourth quarter of this year, compared to the third quarter of this year, the Unidevelopment group recorded a greater willingness of customers to make purchase decisions," the filing pointed out.

In the opinion of the management board, the reduction in interest rates, which has been awaited by the market, should be a factor in the further clear unlocking of demand for premises.

"At the same time, the management board has a positive view of the long-term prospects for business development in the property development sector due to the high demand for new flats in Poland," it added.

alk/ han/

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Waluta Kurs Zmiana
1 CHF 4,5221 -0,62%
1 EUR 4,2587 -0,24%
1 GBP 5,0318 -0,49%
100 JPY 2,6438 -0,69%
1 USD 4,1321 -0,34%