UPDATE: Poland's PM meets with Alphabet CEO Sundar Pichai; discusses partnership for AI

Poland's Prime Minister Donald Tusk met with Alphabet CEO Sundar Pichai in order to discuss a partnership for accelerating AI use, the tech giant wrote in press materials handed out at a press conference in Warsaw.

"Google will be more and more present here - thank you first of all for signing this memorandum between Google and the Polish Development Fund," said the Prime Minister.

"We are creating a framework that will enable Google to become more involved also in investment in Poland," he added.

He added that as part of the cooperation, Poland will gain access to cutting-edge technologies important to the state and companies.

The Prime Minister mentioned Google's commitment to "execute an educational campaign and train one million Poles" in the use of modern tools, mainly artificial intelligence.

"Poland and Google will develop a strategic partnership for accelerating AI use," the tech giant wrote.

In this context, the company mentioned supporting Poland in implementing AI in key sectors such as cybersecurity, healthcare and energy.

According to Google, generative AI could contribute an additional EUR 50-55 billion to Poland's GDP, or 8 percent of GDP over 10 years.

On Wednesday, the government information centre informed that Poland's Prime Minister will be meeting with Alphabet and Google CEO Sundar Pichai on Thursday.

The Prime Minister informed on Monday that the government will be finishing Google's and Microsoft's investment plans in Poland. He added, that the government is also in talks with Amazon and IBM.

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